This week marks the launch of a new experiment in architecture, wellness, and VR. Seva.Love, the ‘NFTs for Good’ platform founded by Deepak Chopra, has partnered with Metaverse developers Utopia to build a new virtual reality experience, the Chopraverse. This digital universe is built around the Vera Iconica designed Deepak Chopra House of Enlightenment as the central building that will be the home for virtual gatherings, educational resources on wellness and lifestyle, NFT art galleries, and much more.

Utopia is the Web3 brainchild of Alejandro Saez, Maria Bravo, Eva Longoria, and Javier Garcia, aiming to use web3 innovations to promote meaningful causes, and philanthropy and to help businesses bridge the virtual and physical worlds. By joining with this team to bring our brand of design to the Chopraverse, we are excited to share Wellness Architecture in a new way, with a new audience of people.


The Deepak Chopra House of Enlightenment

It started as a design for a 2 bedroom house on the water, surrounded by gardens. A home for Deepak Chopra and his family, built to the highest standards of Wellness Architecture. Moments of beauty and peace overlap with the necessities of daily life while being constructed with pure, natural materials, sacred proportions, and advanced systems to maintain air and water quality.

Your daily routines give you views of the courtyards and encourage you to walk the gardens or do a sunrise meditation looking over the lake. Deepak wanted this wellness house not only for his own health and well-being but also as a showcase for what is possible; an example, leading the way into a future where we build our homes and design our surroundings so that they optimize our lived experience.

With the launch of the Chopraverse, the House of Enlightenment has become part of a larger, bolder vision. Many see the blockchain-powered Metaverse as being the future of our digital experience. While the current version of web3 is focused primarily on gaming, no one knows how it will evolve, what it will become, and in what ways it will intertwine with our daily lives. Right now the Metaverse is more a concept than reality, and because of that can be shaped into whatever people can dream. Deepak Chopra sees an opportunity to build something great:

“ChopraVerse is creating homes for multidimensional living, nourishing the body, mind, spirit, and environment as a unified experience in awareness. It will give everyone an opportunity to generate their own abode for the return to wholeness and healing,” he explains. Part of the vision for the project is that people will not only be able to experience the House of Enlightenment digitally but will be able to buy the plans for the house as an NFT and then build it in the real world.

Will you someday be living in your own version of the House of Enlightenment?

Designing for a Digital Future

As architects and designers, translating your design for a virtual world introduces a new set of challenges and opportunities:

  • How do you create the connection to nature, light, and air in a world where our sensory experience is altered? 
  • What does it feel like when you stroll through the gardens, walk in the front door, sit down and meditate with the sound of fountains in the background and a view of the sunset over the lake? Can you experience the feel and texture of the materials, even though you can’t touch them?
  • And, perhaps most importantly, what can we do in the virtual world that we can’t do when subject to real-world limitations? Are we striving to make it feel like real life, or is there an enhanced version that can bring us new experiences and perspectives?

For the ChopraVerse, this is just the beginning. We’re excited to see it come to life and look forward to watching it develop and begin to realize its visionary ideals.